Preparing to Move into a New World

Students Are Now Transitioning to High School

By Brianna Cooley, Staff Writer

Well it’s about that time now. Lowly middle schoolers are just about getting ready to move on up to be big, bad high school students. This is a big change for some people.

To help some students survive the world of high school, I interviewed a couple of people to give advice to other students. I also got advice from incoming 9th graders to give to 8th graders to prepare for making the most of their 8th grade year.

Erik Arnold, going to the 12th grade, said “Always be open to meeting people, and to stay focused.” Another student, Kelsey Jenkins, also going to the 12th grade said “You should try your best not to get into any relationships, and always do your homework because it’s not definite that you will get the easy way out.”

It seems to appear that some students are nervous about transitioning to high school and some aren’t, but other people that have already experienced this change have said there is absolutely nothing to worry about. A lot of people are also very excited, which can be very good too.

Well, in high school everyone wants to fit in with some type of group, so you won’t feel like an outsider. So a way to make friends is by talking to people in class, joining clubs, and sharing interests with other people, one of the students said.

According to the Attendance Coordinator Ms.Joanann Walther organizational skills are the hardest to master and being able to keep priorities straight are the hardest things for an incoming 9th grader to learn. Ms. Walther shared her personal advice and said “be on time.”

Although students should always expect the unexpected, there is absolutely nothing to be worried about! Don’t be scared.